February, 2021
intuitive art
Twenty twenty was a hard year in a lot of ways. My mom passed away. My husband took a job none of us like. Our house has been in major chaos and boxes making it really difficult to have any kind of company. Not to mention a pandemic to worry about. Not being able to paint through all of this has been… challenging.
It’s been several months since I’ve painted anything at all other than walls and over a year since I’ve painted on actual canvas. We’ve been doing lots of work on our house over the past year and all my art supplies have been boxed up in my dining room.
This winter I was taken by a photo my friend, Mel, had posted of herself in a Native American headdress. It wasn’t just cute or trendy. She wasn’t being showy. There was something there and I saw it in her eyes.
Sometimes I meet people and I just know – these are good people. Sometimes I meed people and I know – these are my people. From the moment I first met Mel and her husband, Josh, I was drawn by this sense of knowing they were true, honest, good. I felt I could trust anything I hold dear to them.
For weeks, this image of Mel kept coming to my mind and it wouldn’t let me go. I kept thinking about the symbolism. About how strong and loyal she is. How she loves her people with a fierceness. I knew I had to paint this in some way.
“When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.”
– Chief Seattle

For Mel, “One Woman Army” 2-5-2021
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